In addition to offering good physical and chemical resistance and protection for underground and subsea pipeline service, certain Fusion Bonded Epoxies (FBE), like IFS ERSS 62900 Multi-Purpose Red-61, are also NSF/ANSI 61 Certified. That means that this extremely durable internal coating can also be used for pipe carrying potable/drinking water.
In case you weren’t already aware, NSF International, formerly known as the National Sanitation Foundation, is an independent non-government accredited organization. Although it plays a part in food safety, NSF is usually associated with the standards regarding direct and indirect drinking water additives. Likewise, ANSI, the American National Standards Institute, is a private, non-governmental organization that oversees consensus standards in the United States.
Both agencies are intertwined so much so that NSF certifications are frequently labeled as NSF/ANSI. As a result, the NSF/ANSI 61 “Drinking Water System” Standard covers the material safety of pipe and pipe related products to ensure that contaminants are not leaching into drinking/potable water.