
Powder Coating For Extreme Weather In Houston


Houston is subject to all manner of weather conditions. Heavy rains and floods, ice storms, extreme heat, and more can all wreak havoc on things that are exposed to the outdoors consistently. Powder coating Houston’s large-scale outdoor installations such as traffic lights, parking meters, park benches and more is a significant expense, but it can lead to significant cost-savings over time. Different climates will require different powder coating finishes and choosing a powder coating finish in Houston that has been tested in other regions may not provide the long-lasting, durable finish the client desires. A tried-and-true powder coating job from an experienced powder coating shop in Houston will lend you the best results, as they are experienced in choosing the appropriate finishes for their customer base. 

When it comes to discussing budget and financials with a customer, it is important to explain that even if up-front costs are higher, that doesn’t mean the finished product will be more expensive over the life of the object. A cheaper, less appropriate powder coating job in Houston can and will cost more money over the life of the product, despite a lower up-front cost. Repairing infrastructure can disrupt the daily flow of life in an area, so investing in long-lasting, durable products for your city prevents needless interruptions to traffic flow, park attendance, and more. Public infrastructure is subjected to heavy use, damaging environmental factors, etc. and preventing premature damage by spending more up-front protects residents and their families.

Weather-Resistant Powder Coatings In Houston


Powder coating provides great protection and durability for many items subject to the elements. To get the best out of weather-resistant powder coatings in Houston, there are certain steps that should be taken to provide optimal protection, especially if refinishing an item that already has a powder coating. 

The first step is to prepare the surface to accept the powder coat. This can be done by media blasting. Media blasting in Houston is the process of using small granules (can be sand, crushed walnut shells, etc.) blown at high speed against an object to remove debris like old paint or rust. This step, where necessary, is vital to the life of the powder coat.

The next step is the actual powder coating application. A primer or rust deterrent can be applied to the surface before the actual powder coat to serve as a foundation. Zinc-rich primers can be used to prevent the formation of rust in humid or wet environments. The powders used in powder coating stick to the surface of the primed metal through electrostatic charge. 

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What Does RAL Mean In Powder Coating?


The term “RAL” appears very frequently in the powder coating industry and is instantly familiar to those who work in the field, but its meaning and origins, beyond the fact that it’s related to powder coat colors, might be more obscure to those who aren’t actively involved in the powder coating industry.

RAL is color matching system used in powder coating to ensure that colors are standardized across different applications, much like the Pantone color system in printing. There’s a good reason it’s simply called RAL, though: it actually refers to the Reichs-Ausschuß für Lieferbedingungen und Gütesicherung, a German industrial commission that invented the standard in 1927, starting with a collection of 40 colors. The standardized colors used in applications of powder coating in Houston got their start almost a century ago, in a different country, which is a testament to the utility of the standard and its enduring presence in industrial applications.

Though there have been several iterations and expansions of the RAL standard, the concept has remained the same. Having a standardized color system, produced with the same tints, hues, and saturations each time, makes it significantly easier to produce powder coat colors that remain consistent regardless of how many times they must be mixed.

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Architectural Powder Coating In Texas


Powder coating in Houston isn’t just important for the protection of pipelines in the oil and gas industry—it has applications in many other industries. In the economic powerhouse of Houston, powder coating is also used in residential and commercial construction. From the fencing and awnings that protect our homes to the railings, banisters, gates, and light poles that provide accessibility to commercial spaces, powder coating protects a variety of surfaces in Houston’s hot and humid climate.

The advanced electrostatic application process used in powder coating provides an especially resilient and durable surface, but it’s also aesthetically pleasing. Powder coat colors are readily available in a wide variety of on-hand stock, and if stock colors don’t provide an exact match, coat colors can also be specially formulated to match a specific need.

The powder coating in Houston process adheres to strict preparation and quality standards no matter the surface or application. Architectural finishes, like those that would commonly be used in residential or commercial spaces, must follow the American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) standards. The AAMA provides offers three specifications for the performance that a coating is expected to achieve:

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The History Of Powder Coating: Houston


Powder coating has become a huge industry in the few decades since its inception. Used by oil and gas companies, commercial real estate, city sewage systems, and private residents, the needs for powder coating in Houston are vast. Powder coating was invented as a solution to the many problems the liquid finishing industry encountered. From the wet coatings not lasting long enough, harmful release of volatile organic compounds from the liquid solvents, and the high costs of safety and pollution control, liquid coatings have become more problematic in today’s society.

European companies in the 1940s were under pressure to find more environmentally friendly alternatives to liquid finishes, as utilizing flame spraying to melt the coatings onto the metal was immensely dangerous. It was in the 1940s that Dr. Erwin Gemmer came up with a method to fluidize the bed application for thermostatic resins on metal as an alternative to the flame spraying method. This “new” method of powder coating could be applied to new or used parts that were properly cleaned, coated, and then put in a powder coating oven for 2-4 hours. The next 4 decades saw many improvements to Dr. Gemmer’s method and by the 1980’s powder coating in Houston exploded as it was environmentally friendly, produced little waste, and was cost efficient. These days, powder coated items can be cured in as little as 10 minutes (depending on the thickness of the metal), making powder coating pipes, furniture, and other items more efficient than ever.

As stated in many articles before, Houston Powder Coaters abrasively blasts a significant amount of its projects due to its deepest anchor-profiling results. This type of “surface preparation” in addition to the fusion- bonded (heat) interlacing properties of the powder produces the highest-level adhesion. This means that the powder coating in Houston has achieved the highest level of durability with the smallest environmental footprint.

Outdoor Patio Furniture Refinishing In Houston

Outdoor Patio Furniture Refinishing In Houston Outdoor Patio Furniture Refinishing In Houston

The outdoors can be rough on patio furniture in Houston. The heat, the humidity, the rapidly changing weather, all take part in making your patio furniture dull, rusty, and old looking. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. Outdoor patio furniture refinishing in Houston provides a long-lasting barrier between your furniture and the elements. Resistant to fading from the sun, rust from the humidity, and more, powder coating outdoor furniture is simply the best option to prolong the life of your possessions. 

Outdoor patio furniture refinishing in Houston is a multi-step process that starts with surface preparation. The shop will take your old furniture and through burn-off, abrasive blasting (fine particles like sand or ground up walnut shells are blasted at the furniture to remove the previous coatings or rust), or hand-etching prepare the surface for the new finish. This removes any old coatings on the furniture, debris, rust, and dirt and also creates a surface for the powder coating to adhere to. After preparing the surface, the furniture is hung up and cleaned off with compressed air to create a dust-free surface.

When the furniture is fully prepared for refinishing, it is coated in the coating booth and then baked in the oven, going back and forth between the two several times. This creates a unique barrier that will resist Houston’s hot and humid weather and ensure the longevity of your outdoor patio furniture. Another benefit of outdoor patio furniture refinishing in Houston is choosing the color. Powder coating offers many colors both classic and bright. If you want simple and neutral go classic, if you want eclectic and unique go bright!

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