
Powder Coating Safety Grating, Bar Grating, Gangways, And Safety Railing


Oil platforms, construction sites, and assembly yards are all subject to moisture, grease, oil, hydraulic fluid, and other slippery materials.  While corrosion protection with powder coating is at the forefront when choosing a protective coating, there are other factors to consider when it comes to the gangways, risers, bar grating, and safety handrails around each location. Environmental conditions, such as rain, snow, and sleet, as well as human activities, such as spills, splashes, and run-off, all create hazards no matter how many systems are in place to minimize slippage.

Powder coating safety grating, bar grating, gangways, and safety railing with an anti-slip / anti-skid textured finish will significantly assist in safety concerns due to its unparalleled adhesive grip. In fact, depending on the hazard concern, different formulation of grit size can easily be manufactured. These slip-resistant finishes follow the same fusion-bonded interlinking properties of traditional powder coating, so they are meant to take a beating and last a long, long time.

Traditionally, these grating structures have been made of galvanized steel, aluminum, and carbon alloys. Why not increase their usefulness and longevity by finishing them with a rust inhibitive anti-slip formula as well. Powder coating safety grating, bar grating, gangways, and safety railing is never a problem as Houston Powder Coaters has extensive experience in most every substrate.

Furthermore, by powder coating safety grating, bar grating, gangways, and safety railing with a bright color, you ensure the additional level of visibility to highlight exits, trip hazards, and cautionary areas. Houston Powder Coaters offers dozens of anti-slip powder coating colors allowing you to designate a wide variety of purposes. Whatever your needs are, Houston Powder Coaters can meet your needs quickly and efficiently.

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