
What Does RAL Mean In Powder Coating?


The term “RAL” appears very frequently in the powder coating industry and is instantly familiar to those who work in the field, but its meaning and origins, beyond the fact that it’s related to powder coat colors, might be more obscure to those who aren’t actively involved in the powder coating industry.

RAL is color matching system used in powder coating to ensure that colors are standardized across different applications, much like the Pantone color system in printing. There’s a good reason it’s simply called RAL, though: it actually refers to the Reichs-Ausschuß für Lieferbedingungen und Gütesicherung, a German industrial commission that invented the standard in 1927, starting with a collection of 40 colors. The standardized colors used in applications of powder coating in Houston got their start almost a century ago, in a different country, which is a testament to the utility of the standard and its enduring presence in industrial applications.

Though there have been several iterations and expansions of the RAL standard, the concept has remained the same. Having a standardized color system, produced with the same tints, hues, and saturations each time, makes it significantly easier to produce powder coat colors that remain consistent regardless of how many times they must be mixed.

Although colors in the RAL standard can be produced and utilized by any powder coating company, a larger, more experienced shop offering powder coating in Houston can offer the experience, equipment, and connections to get a job done efficiently and with a lower cost of materials. A business or individual seeking powder coating services, whether the job is large or small, should be sure they’re working with a service provider that can offer the necessary powder coat colors at the right price and within the appropriate timeframe.

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