
Surface Preparation Standards In Powder Coating


A new oilfield assembly or refinished piece of furniture might look great as a final product, but there’s a lot of work that goes into making sure its surface is prepared before the coating is even applied. If a substrate’s surface is dirty, the coating will not adhere properly and will ultimately fail. To prevent this from occurring, multiple industry-wide surface preparation standards have been developed to clean and properly prepare different types of metal. Given that there are so many different potential cleaning methods and surface materials, these guidelines benefit the industry by standardizing processes and ensuring the highest possible quality for the client.

The most commonly used and accepted standards were put forward by the Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC) and the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE), both professional organizations operating in the corrosion and coatings industry. These organizations came together to bring the Joint Surface Preparation Standards to the industry. These standards cover a multitude of techniques for preparing surfaces, from simple solvent cleaning (SSPC-SP1) to abrasive blasting using a high-pressure gun that leaves a metal surface “uniformly free of all foreign matter” (SSPC-SP5 / NACE 1).

Note that these surface preparations also create anchor profiles from which the powder adheres to the metal. The more aggressive surface preps will produce a deeper anchor pattern. Typical steel grit blast media will produce anchor profiles between 2-4 mils. Mild solvents and hand-etching will produce less. Recognize that the classification numbers of the surface preparation standards do not necessarily increase with intensity (so read them carefully).

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The Importance Of Corrosion Resistant Industrial Coatings


The industrial coating used to protect the pipes we use every day is not something that most people think about with any frequency. After all, most of us are too busy working and taking care of our loved ones to sit around and have deep thoughts about the pipes that deliver the fuel which powers our vehicles, bring clean water into our homes, and remove dangerous waste and sanitation. However, it’s clear that these are all aspects of modern living that society heavily depends on. Without pipelines moving fluids, many modern conveniences would be impossible, and therefore the protection of these conduits is not to be overlooked. Although many people are aware, few are familiar with the processes and materials used to protect the pipes that make their modern lives possible, such as corrosion resistant industrial coatings.

Among the various types of industrial coatings Houston, corrosion resistant coatings are some of the most common yet crucial. For the ever-important oil and gas industry here in Texas and the rest of the country, treating pipeline to be resistant to corrosion is a fact of life. According to the National Association of Corrosion Engineers, the cost of corrosion in petroleum refining is $3.7 billion in the U.S. annually—that’s a lot of money lost down the pipes due to mostly preventable chemical processes. The chemicals flowing through pipeline, as well as the high flow rate and volume of fluid, contributes to heavy corrosion across the industry. Recent increases in shale gas production have also offered new challenges in protecting pipeline.

There are multiple methods of corrosion prevention used in industrial applications, though its usage varies by the setting, environment, and type of material to be protected. Cathodic protection, commonly used in both onshore and offshore drilling operations, is one method of corrosion prevention which utilizes electromagnetism and chemistry to protect pipe. Corrosion inhibitors are also frequently used in the industry; these chemicals coat the surface of the pipe to form a protective film which then reacts with the corrosion-causing chemicals and interrupt the process. Among industrial coatings Houston, fusion bonded epoxy (FBE) has made significant gains in popularity. FBE is a powder-based coating which uses high temperatures to form interlocking chemical protection that is highly effective in protecting pipe and has seen increasingly widespread adoption as a protection method.

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