
Ral Powder Coat Colors


The RAL color matching system, originally developed in Germany in the 1920s, represents a group of standards that allow for consistent reproduction of colors for a variety of applications, including powder coating in Houston. The name “RAL” comes from the German government organization that developed it—the Reichs-Ausschuß für Lieferbedingungen und Gütesicherungbut thankfully we have the acronym RAL, which is a lot easier on the tongue. It’s not necessary to be intimately familiar with the history and technical aspects of RAL colors, but a little knowledge about the system can go a long way in helping you determine the kind of powder coat colors and other coating options that are right for the job you need, whether it’s as simple as outdoor furniture refinishing or as complex as large-scale industrial coating.

RAL is a continuously evolving standard, with over 2,300 colors represented, as well as 213 “classic” colors. This wide range of available colors allows for accurate color matching across the spectrum. Color standards are important in accurate reproduction of colors; prior to the introduction of this standard, color matching was achieved by exchanging samples of colors between customers and manufacturers. If you’ve ever brought a paint sample to a hardware store, you know that this method can be unreliable in achieving the exact same tint due to the difficulty of mixing by eye and general inconsistencies in mixing. Color standards are much more accurate, allowing for exact formulation and reproduction of powder coat colors in any application from patio furniture refinishing to road signage (a common use case for RAL—the traffic signs you see on your way home from work are painted by RAL standard).

Although RAL-standard coating can be purchased by any company offering powder coating in Houston services, larger companies will likely be able to offer better deals and better access to specialty formulations due to closer relationships with manufacturers and larger-volume orders. Whether you need a simple outdoor furniture refinishing job or large-scale coating services for construction or industry, consider working with an experienced and capable powder coating company that has the skills, knowledge, and access of RAL powder coat colors to get your job done right.

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